Targeting hunger in our communities through agriculture-related activities and equipping families with skills, financial literacy, and family management.

This self-sustainability has led us to begin the development of our agricultural program, the Healing Harvest initiative. This program targets marginalized, unemployed single mothers and fathers who are the primary breadwinners for their vulnerable families. We aim to gainfully engage them in community-based, agriculture-related activities (i.e. crop production and sales, poultry, and animal rearing), to become equipped with skills, financial literacy, and family management through model farms and experts in the field. We currently have one running and active Healing Harvest project outside of Luwero that is proving to be very positive and productive to the single mom running and managing the property. It is also the plan of Healing Harvest to teach families in our community to use even the smallest plot of land to grow produce that would not only feed their family but also provide necessary income. It is something that every family member can work with and support.