Munno Community Resource Center
a reader today, a leader tomorrow.
The mission of the Munno Program:
We aim to create a future where all children have literacy skills to unlock their full potential and become lifelong learners. We envision a Uganda in which every child is given the opportunity to pursue a quality education that enables them to reach their full potential and contribute to their communities and the world.
The Munno Story:
Munno translates to “my buddy”, or depending on your dialect can also mean “mate”. Whichever translation, the basic meaning is the same, that your neighbor is Munno!! Because education in Uganda is a challenge, it is also seen as a great privilege. What we discovered is that the state of the current education system has created an extremely low literacy rate even in the higher primary levels. So, we decided to focus on literacy within our communities.
The Munno Program began in 2017 as a small group of young adult volunteers who were seeking to make a difference in their community. These volunteers discovered children who are so eager to LEARN and who value every minute they get towards furthering their education. Since 2017, we have watched this entire community transform through the work that we do to provide literacy support for their children.
Munno is a Literacy program, but the idea of OneSun Foundation is to support the idea of self-sustainability throughout our communities. Although we have begun by working with the children in these communities, we are devising means of equipping our community heads of families and breadwinners to grow in their ability to provide for their children with at least the basics of needs, so as to nurture them and aspire the growth of their passions and dreams.
So what do we do through Munno?